Tuesday 14 July 2015

# Chiranjeevi fire on Chandrababu over Godhavari Pushkaram Arrangements

 Chiranjeevi breaks down over death of  pilgrims

Actor and politician Chiranjeevi began crying during a press meet after 27 pilgrims died in a stampede at a major bathing spot on the banks of the Godavari river on the opening day of 'Pushkaram' festival in Andhra Pradesh.
A major religious event held once in 12 years, hundreds of people drawn from different parts of the state had converged on the river bank to take dip in the river on the auspicious occasion.
The tragedy struck between 7.30 am and 8 am and most of the victims were elderly people.
The victims had been waiting since early hours and some of them were tired as they had travelled long distances to reach here.
The official said there is a possibility that the deaths were caused due to suffocation.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, who was on the spot to take the holy dip, expressed profound grief at the tragedy and is personally monitoring relief and rescue operations.
The Chief Minister also announced an ex-gratia of Rs 10 lakh for the family of the deceased and said, if necessary, he would would remain in Rajahmundry for the next 11 days.
Earlier in the day, Naidu, accompanied by his wife and son, had taken the holy dip, where the river is full in its expanse.
Godavari 'Pushkaram', the ritual of taking holy dip in the river, is observed once in 12 years, but this time it is considered auspicious from astronomical point of view as it is 'Maha Pushkaralu' which comes once in 144 years.
Kanchi Shankaracharya Jayandra Sarswathi was among the spiritual leaders who took the sacred bath.
The 'Pushakaram' is a similar to the 'Kumbh Mela' performed alongside rivers elsewhere in the country and taking holy dip is the main ritual of the religious event.
Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosaiah, Congress President Sonia Gandhi and party Vice President Rahul Gandhi also expressed shock over the stampede.
Rahul Gandhi said on micro-blogging site Twitter, "Extremely sad to hear of the stampede in Rajahmundry that led to the death of several devotees. My deepest condolences to the families.

Chiranjeevi Emotional On Pushkara Ghat incident | Serious Comments On Chandrababu and Media | HMTV

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