Sunday 12 July 2015

# Why Pushkaralu happens for every 12 years?

Story behind Pushkaralu & Why Pushkaralu happens for every 12 years

Story behind Pushkaralu
Jupiter | Brihaspati
Jupiter is known as “Brihaspati” in Sanskrit and “Gurudu” in Telugu. Jupiter is the “Guru of the Dieties”. Jupiter represents knowledge, wisdom and the off spring of the individual. It is a planet of expansion, growth and good fortune
Who is Pushkara?
There was a Brahmin called ‘Tundila’ who pleased Lord Shiva after prolonged tapashya and achieved Jalmaytwa Siddhi (water form), one of the eight forms of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva granted a boon to ‘Tundila’ that he will live with Him. Thus Tundila got the power to purify all rivers and thereafter he was called “Pushkara”. The word splits as ‘Push’ means to ‘Nourish’ and ‘Kara’ means ‘Who performs’. It is a special energy which nourishes.

Why Pushkaralu happens for every 12 years?

Lord Brahma wanted water for creation of a world and pleaded Shiva to allow “Pushkara” to live in his Kamnadalam (oblong water pot with handle and spout) as he has the ability to purify the world. Thus ‘Pushkara’ reached Lord Brahma’s Kamandalam, as Lord Shiva granted this.
At the same time, Jupiter (Brihaspati) also wanted that Pushkar should leave with him. But Pushkar refused it as he does not want to leave Brahma. Brahma resolved this situation by asking Pushkara to stay with Jupiter for 12 days when Jupiter was entering a new zodiac sign and 12 days when he was leaving it. And on every day, Pushkara would stay with Brhihaspati for a length of two auspicious timings (Muhurta) in the afternoon.
Jupiter stays for a year in one zodiac sign and takes 12 years to complete one cycle of the zodiac. When Jupiter comes into a new zodiac sign then the Pushkara, along with Lord Brahma and all deities would be with him (with Jupiter) in the first 12 days called Aadi Pushkara and the last 12 days called Antya Pushkara. When people bathe in a holy river at the time of Pushkaram, they take the blessings of Jupiter into the next twelve year cycle of Jupiter.

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